2025 Event Dates
April 19 - Spring Slam
July 12 - Mid-Summer Massacre
October 18 - Fall Fest w/ Trunk or Treat Trackside
Important Notice
2025 Day of Event Sales (ONLY) will move to CASH ONLY for on site ticket sales, pit entrance & registration, food sales, & merchandise sales. We apologize for any inconvenience but this will be a necessary move due to costs & upkeep of technology needed at the Spectator Gate, Pit Gate, & Concession areas. We appreciate your cooperation.
Pre-purchase of tickets (using credit card) is still encouraged to speed up entry but all day of transactions will be cash only.
Thank you for understanding.
Short Track Racing & Demolition Derby Events
Pit Gates open at 11am
Spectator Gates open at 1pm
Racing Starts at 4pm
For Info call 410-887-1576
Admission 18 and older - $20.00
Youth 10-17 - $15.00
9 and Under - FREE
Pit Pass - $30.00 (No age restriction)
Under 16 - NO PIT ENTRANCE (without accompanying adult)
** Get Your Derby Tickets Here **
** All attendees must sign a waiver **
We encourage ticket sales online to cut down wait times at the gate.
Thank you for understanding
Please check our Facebook Page @UppercoDemolitionDerby

2024 Short Track Racing & Derby Rules
Racing & General Rules
Power Wheels
Youth Compact
Most Wanted Fine Arts
Light Weld Full Size
Bumper Swap Compact
Demolition Derby Feature Video
A Demo Derby day at Upperco is a day filled with fun for the entire family! Come out and spend the day with us as we bang up cars of all shapes and sizes in our mud derby pit. Upperco's Demo Derby and Races are big action, mud track racing, with a lot of smashing, crashing, and bashing going on. Be sure to get in early to get a good spot. Tailgating is encouraged, so load up the kids (or a couple of buddies), and head on out. We have several spot-a-pots available on the grounds, as well as a full service kitchen serving up all of the favorites! Though not served at the events, the demo derby is a BYOB function. We have grass seating so be sure to bring a blanket and a lawn chair with you.
No pets allowed!!
Email Motorsports@uppercovfc.org for more information